Nature Recovery

4 minutes


Tech For Nature: The Power of Nature Positive Solutions

In this series, we explore how innovative nature-based technologies and strategic partnerships are driving Foresight's efforts in sustainable land management and biodiversity enhancement.

In the first of our 'Tech for Nature' series, we explore our work with Frontierra, a leading nature tech company which helped boost insight's into the biodiversity and ecosystem health of the sites we invest in.

The Power of Nature Tech   

A key area of focus for our Natural Capital strategy is enhancing biodiversity and preserving ecosystems through our investments in infrastructure and real assets. By adopting a proactive approach, we aim to reduce risks while boosting the social value of our projects and creating long-term, positive impacts on natural capital.

Frontierra's cutting-edge geospatial services have proven instrumental in improving our decision making processes, providing us with actionable data on nature-related risks and opportunities across our diverse portfolio. 

Its cloud-based platform leverages high-resolution satellite imagery, machine learning models, and on-the-ground data to assess and monitor biodiversity. This powerful combination allows us to track important environmental metrics such as habitat quality, species richness, and ecosystem services. By mapping these factors across our portfolio, we are able to identify key areas of risk, and equally important, areas of opportunity to enhance natural capital. 


Key Findings: Integrating Nature into Investment Decisions 

One of the most significant takeaways from our work with Frontierra was the ability to pinpoint sites where biodiversity risks were higher than initially expected, particularly in areas where habitat fragmentation posed challenges. With this data, we were able to revisit our investment strategies, making adjustments where necessary to support nature-positive interventions such as habitat restoration and improved land management.

This type of data-driven decision-making has not only aligned with the TCFD and TNFD frameworks but also helped us meet emerging environmental regulations. It is an example of how technology can play a critical role in supporting sustainable finance practices, ensuring that our investments are future proofed in a rapidly changing world.




The Path Toward A Nature-Positive Future 

The integration of nature-related data and insights into our investment process is essential for long-term success. By using Frontierra’s geospatial tools, we are making informed, nature-positive decisions that help reduce environmental risks and enhance the long-term value of our portfolio. 

As part of our ongoing commitment to environmental stewardship, Foresight is proud to be an Early Adopter of the Taskforce on Nature-Related Financial Disclosures (TNFD), following our integration of the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) principles. These frameworks guide us in assessing and managing the financial risks and opportunities tied to nature and climate-related factors. 

We understand that true investment value goes beyond financial returns. It includes positive, measurable impacts on the environment and society. Our Natural Capital strategy is a key component of this, integrating principles that ensure environmental stewardship are embedded across our investment strategies. 

From reshaping forestry practices to advancing biodiversity monitoring, these case studies highlight our commitment to integrating nature-positive principles into every aspect of our investments.


Nature as a Strategic Asset 

Nature plays a critical role in mitigating climate change. Healthy natural assets, such as forests, oceans, peatlands and soils, are vital for carbon sequestration and ecosystem regulation. Our strategy leverages nature-based solutions, which are recognised as essential for achieving global emission reduction targets and securing supplies of sustainably-produced goods. By investing in natural capital, we contribute to the global effort to address climate change and biodiversity loss and a sustainable supply of food. 


Find out more about how we are supporting nature: Nature Recovery Blueprint


Image credit: Frontierra 

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Foresight Group Holdings; investing to build a sustainable future and grow thriving economies.